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Looking For Site

Please email me what you would like to have posted here to help find friends of you husband or father and I will copy and paste your message here with your email address. I will NOT post any home address or phone numbers so please do not ask me to. This is for your safety. If you have a photo of your father or husband durning Vietnam I will also post it with your message as some might remember him, but not by name. This site is for childern or wives of Vietnam veterans only.

My Dad Donald Thornton was in B. Company, 5th Transportation Battalion, which was in the 101st Order of Battle. His tour in Vietnam was from 19 Oct 1968 to 19 Oct 1969. He was a section and platoon sergeant. I don't really know much esle. If anyone remembers him please email his son at  Below is 2 photos of him taken in the 60s.


Trying to locate: anyone who knew Gary Ray Bryant

Branch of Service: Army

Unit was: 1st Calvary

When served: late 1965 until January 1966

Message is: Please email me if you knew my daddy. Thank you

Please contact: Tammy Bryant Kernell at...

I am looking for anyone who knew my Dad. He was in C company of the 159th ASHB. 1968-69. His name is Thomas W. Bishop. He was a truck driver and a mechanic. Dads good friend was Bobby R. nelson so if you knew him you probley knew my Dad aswell. Please let me know if anyone knows my Dad.

Thanks Dawn & Tom ...

Good Morning;

My name is Dave Headley (SP/6, C Co. 101st Avn Bn, 70-76) and I am a member of the Life Science Artifact Section at Brooks Air Force Base, San Antonio, TX. We here at the lab work with JTF-FA on MIA cases from SEA. I am just starting to work on a case from your unit. The case involves a CH-47C (Ser. No. 67-18506) that was lost during Lam Son 719 in Laos on Feb 15, 1971. I will be analyzing all the artifacts that were recovered by CILHI teams in Laos in an attempt to account for CW2 Leonard and 2nd Lt. Taylor. I would like to ask if any of your members may have any information on these two crewmembers as to what flight clothing/uniforms that the crew may have been wearing, especially CW2 Leonard and 2nd Lt Taylor, at the time of loss. Any member can contact me at the address below. I have attached a cover letter that better explains who we are and what we do. Thanks for any help you can provided.

David R. Headley

CW3 US Army (Ret)

MIA/POW Full Accounting

US Army Aircraft Artifacts Analyst

Life Sciences Artifact Section

Brooks AFB, TX. 78235

(210-536-8283) (DSN 240)

Before Exiting The Ship Please Take Time To Sign The Guessbook Even If You Aren't a C/159th ASHB Member

